Since the publication of her now-classic Casserole Cookery in 1941, Marian Tracy's writings about food and her delectable, easy-to-prepare recipes have been popular kitchen standbys. This new collection of more than 220 recipes, accompanied by Ms. Tracy's engaging comments about her favorite dishes, is a celebration of her basic philosophy - that good food should be simple, sensuous , and splendid, as enjoyable to prepare as to savor at the table (or on a lighthearted picnic). From "an enticement of appetizers" to "a felicity of sweets," this is Marian Tracy at her incomparable best, in a book to delight longtime fans and enchant a whole new generation of readers and cooks. The emphasis is always on fresh and unprocessed food that is readily available, prepared with ease (and often in advance), and served with eye-catching style. Her menu suggestions are imaginative and uncomplicated, and her grouping of recipes by ingredients offers many possibilities for using leftovers.