With the look and feel of a real passport, this booklet is an engaging and upbeat resource for improving self-esteem - the "passport" to a happier, healthier life. Sections focus on the recognition of personal strengths, triumphs, and achievements -- the essential self-esteem catalysts. A great tool for individuals and groups; also makes a fantastic gift! Grades 6-adult. 32 pages - 3.75" x 6.25" format. Includes a great collection of multicultural quotes.
Craig Wiesner, co-founder of ReachAndTeach.com in San Mateo CA has been distributing the Passports to teachers, home-schoolers and social justice activists and says, "We've had the self-esteem passport in our shop for over a decade. We love it when someone spots it, picks it up, starts to read it and smiles. That person knows exactly the right person, or the right group of people, to whom he or she wants to give it. The quotes are inspiring, the activities for working on self-empowerment and simple but profound, and there's more packed neatly into this little tool that you can find in many much more arduous self-help books. The passport is eye-catching, inspirational without being preachy, practical, and is the perfect size for taking along with you on life's journey, wherever it takes you."
Single copy for $10